
Google India launches campaign to protect first time web users from account hijacking

Google India launches Campaign to protect the first time web users from account hijacking


New Delhi,Feb 5: Google India on Monday announced its public safety initiative "#SecurityCheckKiya" to protect young and first time web users from account hijacking.Google will make this information available on its home page,encouraging users to take the first step of security check. on safer internet day which will be celebrated on February 6.Sunita Mohanty the Director,Trust and Safety of Google India said , "Just like in the physical world wherewe are careful about the information we share with the strangers,safeguard our houses by keeping our doors locked,and think twice before accepting things from unknown people,users in India should take precautions whie engaging with the online world.While security is built into all of google services,keeping the web safe for everyone is a shared responsibility.We want everyone tobecome good Digital Citizens,which essentially means being a responsible and respectful user of the internet 

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